Cesis District Council starts the project ,, Vidzeme Center for innovation and entrepreneurship” in cooperation with Ostfold, Norway
The project activities are directly targeted towards individuals (especially young people and women) who have desire and ambition to start their own business; educational establishments and R&D institutions; small and medium size businesses and existing large and stable industrial companies in Vidzeme region; local and regional authorities from Latvia and Norway directly involved in the project implementation.
Østfold County Council
Østfold County is the official twinning partner of Cesis District Council. Cesis and Østfold have cooperated in several projects funded by the European Union. In the frame of Interreg IIIB project "Innovation Circle" both Cesis District and Østfold County took an initiative to develop an advisory and educational support structure for promotion of youth entrepreneurship. As Østfold County has been elaborating a strategy for the establishment of the business incubator in their region, the mutual experience exchange is of utmost importance. Norwegian specialists has already participated in the planning of this project and will continue to take part in the project activities, particularly, training sessions, seminars, conferences, exhibitions as well as experience exchange visits.
The project will result in: 1. Established interdisciplinary and international cooperation network of educational establishments, R&D institutions, industry and local authorities for studying and teaching the art and science of innovation and entrepreneurship; 2. Developed advisory services, business incubation and competence transfer services for training of young entrepreneurs, development of start-ups, strengthening of existing businesses and networking activities for business support in Latvia and Norway; 3.Establishment of the Vidzeme Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Cesis district and the Regional Business Development Incubator at the Riga Technical University.
The total budget - EUR1 514 775, EEZ and the Norwegian fin.instrument grant – EUR 1 274 775